Even though I love to bake, sometimes I just can’t find the time. I’d like to make the time but life can get in the way. (Why oh why life must you be such a pain sometimes? I need my baking fix!) If you don’t really love to bake or are also finding it hard to fit into your schedule, Nestle Toll House has a ton of a great ideas this Valentine’s Day to still get some fresh from the oven and oh so adorable cookies. Their new Valentine Friends Sugar Cookies are sure to get some smiles and warm some hearts!
With new NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE®Valentine Friends Sugar Cookies you can share 12 different holiday designs delivered on an adorable character or shaped sugar cookie. A little help from mom or dad and kids can learn how to Bake Some LoveTMin the kitchen with these extra special sugar cookies.
Valentine Friends Sugar Cookies feature a variety of full-color characters and shapes so bake Valentine’s Day and Easter a little sweeter with these fun and colorful character cookies!
Seriously, how can you resist? And they certainly aren’t something I could easily recreate at home! If you’ve got the itch to get even more crafty in the kitchen, you can find more great baking ideas at Nestle Toll House such as these Valentine Cookie Ornaments.
Who says ornaments are just for Christmas? What a wonderful way to greet someone on Valentine’s Day.
I’ve also got a fun giveaway but it will be a quick one so you can use your coupons for Valentine Friends Sugar Cookies!
Giveaway Prize
A limited edition NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® cookie tin, two free Valentine Friends Sugar Cookie product coupons (expire 2/21/11), an activity book for Moms including coupons and two sheets of Valentine and Easter stickers.
Required Entry
Browse the Valentine’s Recipe Collection and tell me one that you would love someone to make you for Valentine’s Day!
Optional Extra Entries
Required entry must be completed before extra entries qualify. Leave an additional comment for the value of each extra entry and a way to verify the entry. When choosing the blog about this giveaway option, your blog post must include an active link to this giveaway and be at least 80 words in length.
- Like Nestle Toll House on Facebook & leave a comment on their wall (2 entries)
- Enter this same giveaway at Baby Loving Mama – 1 entry
- like Oh My! Sugar High Facebook (sidebar) – 1 entry
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- follow @ohmysugarhigh and tweet this giveaway – 1 entry per day
- blog about this giveaway with a link to this post – 3 entries
#Win a Valentine Friends Sugar Cookie Kit from Nestle Toll House @ohmysugarhigh http://bit.ly/hkhTod #giveaway PLS RT!
Giveaway Rules
See Official Rules. US only (no PO Box) Sweepstakes ends 2/8/11 at 11:59pm CST. Winner(s) will be notified by email and listed on the Official Winner’s List.
Disclosure – I receive the same prize package as shown above for sharing this giveaway with my readers. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
entered at Baby Loving Mama
I would love someone to make me a valentine sugar cookie.
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I entered giveaway at babylovingmama
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Without a doubt I’d love it if someone made the Chocolate Rhapsody for me. Rich chocolate, smoth raspberry mousse offset by a moist yellow sponge cake. YUM.
I like Nestle Toll House on FB and wrote on their wall #1
I like Nestle Toll House on FB and wrote on their wall #2
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I follow via GFC (DaKaWa)
I’d love to make the Chocolate Lover’s Chocolate Mousse Pie.
I entered this same giveaway at Baby Loving Mama.
I follow @ohmysugarhigh and tweeted.
Where can I purchase Nestle Toll House Valentine Friends Sugar Cookies on Long Island in New York?
The chocolate mousse looks dang tasty, but I think I’ll make my husband some oatmeal cookies.
Iam an email subscriber.
I would make their cheesecake recipe!
i’d love someone to make me molten chocolate cake and brownie with truffle mousse. yum!
entered contest on baby loving mama
i subscribe to your blog too!
Easy Chocolate Honey Spread
dailyt weet
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/Mrspoofa/status/35101793654411264. Thanks
I (@Naya2000) just RT:
#Win a Valentine Friends Sugar Cookie Kit from Nestle Toll House @ohmysugarhigh http://bit.ly/hkhTod #giveaway PLS RT!
I would love the Molten Chocolate Cakes. Yum!
Likes Oh My! Sugar High Facebook (Lisa L)
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Brownie with Truffle Mousse
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